Oral Rehabilitation
Oral rehabilitation is the specialty responsible for restoring aesthetic function and oral harmony through dental prostheses. This specialty compre...
Oral Surgery
Oral surgery or oral surgical procedures can have multiple purposes: Extraction of teeth that are embedded in the bone or semi-embedded, extraction...
Dental Implants
Dental implants are a safe and long-lasting solution to the loss of one or more teeth. Nowadays, implants are made of pure titanium and act as a su...
Maxillary Orthopedics
What is facial orthopedics and what is its relationship with orthodontics? Facial or maxillofacial orthopedics is a branch of orthodontics, and is ...
Orthodontics is an aesthetic dental treatment that aims to restore the morphological and functional balance of the mouth and face. Orthodontics not...
Dra. Yudelkys Gutiérrez Herrada
La Dra. Yudelkys Gutiérrez Herrada es Especialista en Ortodoncia por la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Ciego de Ávila. Además, es Odontóloga General Integral y MSC. en Urgencia Odontológica por el Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas «Carlos J. Finlay» de Camagüey, Cuba. / Dr. Yudelkys Gutiérrez Herrada is a Specialist in Orthod...
Noticias y eventos / News and Events
En este espacio la Dra. Yudelkys Gutiérrez Herrada compartirá con ustedes importantes recomendaciones sobre la importancia de la salud bucal, así como comunicados importantes y eventos de la Clínica / Dr. Yudelkys Gutiérrez Herrada will share with you important recommendations about the importance of oral health, as well as important communications and events about the Clinic.
Important recommendations for starting an orthodontic treatment
Good morning, this is Dr. Yudelkys Gutiérrez, a dentist and orthodontic specialist from Clínica Cubana de Salud Bucal. I was motivated to make this video b...
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Good morning, this is Dr. Yudelkys Gutiérrez from the Cuban Oral Health Clinic. In order to establish a good diagnosis, as precise as possible, it is very i...
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At Clínica Cubana de Salud Bucal, we always have you in mind and offer quality orthodontic treatment with fast results. We perform treatments with the lates...
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